Here is an update for book
EJB 3 In Action. We are done writing and editing and going thru final round of proof reading before getting published. The book will be published next month. The eBook will be available first week of March and print book will be available Mar 15.
You can purchase and read the final draft of the book using
Manning's MEAP program or pre-order from
Amazon .
If you have any questions about the book or found any technical errors please report to the
Author forumHere is Table of contents of the book:
What's what in EJB2. A First taste of EJB
3. Building Business Logic with Session beans
4. Messaging and Developing Message Driven Beans
5. Learning Advanced EJB Concepts
6. Transactions and Security
7. Implementing Domain Models with EJB 3
8. Object-Relationship Mapping using EJB 3 JPA
9. Manipulating entities with EntityManager API
10. Using the Query API and the Java Persistence Query Language
11. Packaging EJB 3 Applications
12. Effectively Integrating EJB 3 across Your Application Tiers
13. Taming Wild EJBs: Performance and Scalability
14. Migrating to EJB 3
15. Exposing EJBs as Web Services
16. EJB 3 and Spring
Appendix A. RMI and JNDI
Appendix B. Reviewing relational databases
Appendix C. Annotations reference
Appendix D. Deployment descriptors reference
Appendix E. Installing and configuring the Java EE 5 SDK